When Should You Start Doing PR for Your Early Stage Tech Startup?

Sarah Gagliardi
When Should You Start Doing PR for Your...

Launching a tech startup is exciting, but it also comes with the daunting task of building your brand from the ground up against entrenched competitors. In that early, high-risk existence, many startup marketing professionals wonder when the right time is to start doing public relations (PR) for their company. In other words, is it too early when you’ve just launched and you have a few customers or should you wait until you are about to close a seed round? The answer lies in understanding the strategic value of a tech PR firm for your startup and how it can contribute to your growth, even in the early stages.

Why PR Matters Early On

PR is about more than just getting media coverage. It’s also about creating a defining story around your brand that resonates with your target audiences. Early-stage startups often face challenges such as limited brand recognition, a small customer base, and the need to attract investors. A tech PR firm can help you overcome these obstacles by establishing credibility and building trust with stakeholders.

For a new tech startup, credibility is crucial to brand and revenue growth. Customers, investors, and even skeptical journalists are more likely to trust a brand that has been featured in reputable media outlets than one they’ve never heard of. This trust can translate into more opportunities, whether it’s securing funding, attracting customers, or forming partnerships. According to a study by Edelman, 81% of people need to trust the brand before they will buy from it, and a tech PR firm can be instrumental in building that trust.

Starting PR early helps in creating brand awareness. When people start seeing your startup in the news, on social media, or featured in industry blogs, it puts your company on the map. This awareness is essential in the early stages when your brand is still unknown. The more people know about your startup, the more likely they are to consider your product or service when making purchasing decisions.

So, when should you begin your PR efforts? The simple answer is: as early as possible. However, the approach you take may vary depending on your startup’s stage, and what kind of tech PR firm you can afford on your marketing budget.


Even before you officially launch, it’s a good idea to have a tech PR firm start laying the groundwork for your PR strategy. At this stage, focus on building relationships with key journalists and influencers in your industry. Start by identifying who covers tech startups and your specific niche. Engage with them on social media, comment on their articles, and share relevant insights. This way, when you’re ready to launch, you’ll have a network of contacts who are already familiar with your brand.


Once you’ve launched your product or service, your tech PR firm’s efforts should shift into high gear. This is the time to start pitching your story to the media. Highlight the unique aspects of your startup, the problem it solves, and how it stands out from competitors. Use data and testimonials to support your claims, making your pitch more compelling.

Pre-funding event

Nearly every startup will secure a round of capital at some point or another, sometimes several rounds, before they achieve the growth and market traction they seek. With each funding round, whether seed, Series A, Series B or beyond, the startup should plan a PR campaign that maximizes its ability to be covered by as many news outlets as possible: technology, business, and local ones. The campaign should start at least one month before a funding round is closed to allow the tech PR firm enough time to create your press materials, reach out to the media with a news embargo, and coordinate interviews with your founder team.

About Sarah Gagliardi: Sarah is a Content Writer for Swyft, a tech PR firm in Austin and a top digital marketing and PR firm in Denver since its founding in 2011. Swyft recently opened a satellite office where it offers tech PR in San Francisco. Swyft was also listed as one of the top tech PR agencies in Texas by the B2B services review site, Clutch.co.

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