How to Write an Effective Press Release for Your European Startup’s Funding

Sarah Gagliardi
How to Write an Effective Press Release for...

Securing funding for your European startup is a big deal! To make sure everyone hears about it, you need a strong press release. Here’s a simple guide to help you write one that gets noticed and makes an impact.

Talk to Your Startup Leaders

Get insights from your founders and key team members. They can share important details about the funding, such as the startup’s growth, why the investment was made, and how the funds will be used. Include quotes from them to add a personal touch and highlight your company’s mission.

Mention the Investors

Clearly state how much funding you received and who the investors are. List each venture capital firm and their investment amounts. This helps build credibility. Adding a quote from the main investor can also boost your press release’s impact.

Create a Catchy Headline

Your headline should be short and engaging. Include your startup’s name, the funding amount, and action verbs to make it interesting. A strong headline will make people want to read more.

Write a Brief Introduction

Start with a short, engaging introduction. Mention the funding amount, the type of funding, a quick description of your startup, what it offers, and the lead investor. Keep it simple and make sure it encourages readers to learn more.

Make It Easy to Track

Add links to your website or a specific landing page related to the funding. This will help you track how many people click through and how well your press release performs.

Include Visuals

Attach relevant photos, like pictures of the founders or your product. Store these in an accessible cloud folder or on your website’s press room so journalists can easily find and use them.

Provide Contact Details

Don’t forget to include contact information. Add a name, phone number, and email address so reporters can reach out for more information.

By following these simple steps, your press release will be clear, engaging, and effective in spreading the news about your startup’s funding.

About Sarah Gagliardi: Sarah is a Content Writer for Swyft, a member of First PR Alliance; Swyft is a tech PR agency in Austin and a top digital marketing and PR agency in Denver since its founding in 2011. Swyft offers tech PR in San Francisco though its satellite office in Santa Rosa. Swyft was also listed as one of the top tech PR agencies in Texas by the B2B services review site,

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