Boost Your Startup’s B2B Tech PR: Effective Campaigns for 2024

Sarah Gagliardi
Boost Your Startup’s B2B Tech PR: Effective...

A Guest Post for Startup over Coffee from First PR Alliance:

First PR Alliance specializes in helping B2B tech companies secure media coverage worldwide, from startups to large enterprises. Here’s how our network of global PR agencies recommends how to maximize your PR investment with the most effective tech PR campaigns:

Capital Raises

Raising funds is a pivotal moment for tech companies, with the potential of drawing significant media attention. Large funding rounds, especially 8-figure sums, can lead to extensive coverage. For instance, AI unicorn startup Cohere’s $500 million raise was featured in Crunchbase. Even smaller raises can gain local and industry-specific placements, boosting brand awareness and aiding talent recruitment.

Product Launches

Product launches are typically newsworthy, especially for industry-specific publications. To maximize impact, collaborate with your product marketing team for launch details and product features and benefits. Consider waiting to announce any major innovations at major industry trade shows to capitalize on media presence, and drive more booth traffic. You can also consider pre-show product announcements to stand out from the usual trade show noise, especially if you’re a smaller player. In short, regularly announce product updates to maintain visibility.

Client Acquisitions

Securing major clients can sometimes generate industry buzz. For example, a facial recognition software company might gain coverage for a major airport contract at say Heathrow or Charles de Gaulle. To ensure you maximize media coverage, be sure to pitch industry outlets that cover similar stories. Make it easy on the reporters and editors you pitch by providing detailed information about the new account and relevant quotes from senior leadership at your company as well as the client’s. It’s also worth reaching out to local business media for substantial client sales, even if coverage isn’t guaranteed.

C-Suite Hires

New C-suite hires can attract local media interest, especially in local business news journals. Just make sure that your announcement includes role details, future career growth opportunities, and quotes from key executives. Timely sharing with the media increases your chances of coverage.

Product Milestones

You can also share significant product growth milestones, as they indicate performance and market presence. Metrics like usage statistics and customer numbers can trigger media interest. Highlight your most impressive metrics relative to competitors and see if the industry media bites.

Growth of Your Business 

Similar to product milestones, consider highlighting your company’s growth to resonate with local media focused on community impact, as well as industry publications that might like to know how the niche market they cover is doing. Emphasize your job creation, any new facilities or offices in new markets, and the dollar value of local investment. Growth stories build your brand’s reputation, enhance recruitment efforts, and provide social validation to potential customers.

By focusing on a few of these PR strategies, you will have a clear path to enhancing your company’s media presence and ultimately grow your brand awareness.

About Sarah Gagliardi: Sarah is a Content Writer for Swyft, a member of First PR Alliance; Swyft is a tech PR agency in Austin and a top digital marketing and PR agency in Denver since its founding in 2011. Swyft offers tech PR in San Francisco though its satellite office in Santa Rosa. Swyft was also listed as one of the top tech PR agencies in Texas by the B2B services review site,

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