How to scale tech startups with PR

Sarah Gagliardi
How to scale tech startups with PR

The question of how to scale tech startups with PR has been hotly debated for years. Is it possible to measure the impact of PR with enough accuracy to validate its impact on growth? If lead attribution shows a lead coming from a Google ad, does it truly mean that was the origin for the click? 

For our purposes, PR sits squarely in the realm of brand marketing, yet can flank performance marketing to the extent that PR drives interest in new product launches and other offerings that gain traction in the media. So, while PR is not easily measurable, it’s an engine of digital actions and outcomes that flank and support the organization.

For tech startups, scaling brand reach and growing revenue are vital to long-term success. While many startup founders and marketers prioritize sales, product development, and growth hacking, public relations (PR) often gets overlooked. Integrating a well-planned PR strategy can significantly impact your startup’s visibility, customer acquisition, and even revenue.

Why PR Matters for Tech Startups

A strong tech PR strategy enables startups to communicate their value to a broader audience – investors, customers, and partners – without the stigma of using sales language. PR uses brand storytelling and news sharing to build credibility and help differentiate your startup in a competitive market. According to a study on the sales funnel impact of PR by Denver PR firm Swyft, startups that leverage PR effectively see improvements in brand recognition, trust, and sales. Additionally, PR helps to build thought leadership, solidify your reputation, and strengthen your market position.

PR also works hand-in-hand with other marketing efforts. It supports SEO by gaining high-quality backlinks from news outlets and drives organic traffic by making your brand more discoverable through media coverage.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for how to scale tech startups with PR in such a way as to grow both brand reach and inbound leads.

1. Tell your founder story

At the core of an effective PR campaign is a compelling story. For tech startups, this could mean sharing how your solution solves a real-world problem or how your technology is pushing the envelope in your industry. The story should appeal to your target market and showcase your unique value proposition. The key is to develop a compelling narrative that highlights your startup’s mission, vision, and value. Test it with different audiences, and use it as the backbone of your PR campaigns.

2. Employ thought leadership

Positioning your founders and executives as thought leaders can significantly boost brand recognition. By publishing expert opinions, industry insights, or visionary ideas in tech publications, you build trust with your audience. Additionally, industry influencers and journalists are more likely to reach out to companies that provide thoughtful commentary on important topics. Start by itching your founder or CTO as an industry expert to relevant media outlets, podcasts, and conferences. Make sure your startup regularly contributes articles or guest posts to industry blogs in order to build up their bona fides.

3. Obtain media coverage

A key step in how to scale tech startups with PR is running media outreach campaigns. Securing media coverage is crucial for tech startups to generate buzz and awareness that will resonate with prospects and customers. When your startup is mentioned in tech blogs, news outlets, or podcasts, it signals credibility and relevance. Media coverage acts as third-party validation for your brand, making it easier for potential customers and investors to trust you.

According to Swyft, media exposure can be a powerful driver of credibility that influences the decision-making process of prospective customers and partners. With effective media coverage, you reach a broader audience and establish brand authority. Start building relationships with relevant journalists and bloggers who cover your industry sooner than later. That way, when you pitch your news stories such as product launches, milestones, or company partnerships, you will be able to obtain more media placements than if you are a complete stranger to them.

4. Use PR to Support Fundraising

For early-stage startups, securing funding can make or break the company’s growth trajectory. PR can play a pivotal role in your fundraising strategy by raising your startup’s profile, positioning your brand as a hot commodity, and attracting investor attention – well before you make it big in the market. A strong PR campaign before or during your fundraising rounds can add credibility to your pitch and validate your market potential.

When figuring out how to scale tech startups with PR, seeking investors is absolutely one of the key stakeholders you should target. To that end, use PR to amplify company milestones, customer wins, and product innovations. Then make sure to include any meaningful media coverage in your investor pitch decks.

5. Generates leads and support sales

An often overlooked benefit of PR is its impact on lead generation and sales. PR places your startup in front of a wider audience, including potential customers who may not have heard about your solution yet – especially if you are a newcomer to the market. Coverage in industry-specific publications can lead directly to product interest and sales inquiries. What’s more, using your media coverage as part of your sales collateral and inside sales rep emails helps make buyers more comfortable with the decision to pick your offerings over a competitor. Just make sure to include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) in your press releases, such as links to demos, free trials, or landing pages that can convert readers into leads.

6. Integrate PR with performance marketing

The case for how to scale tech startups with PR is an easy one to make. However, when you align it with performance marketing as part of a broader digital marketing strategy, you will have a winning formula for stimulating rapid growth in market share. Combining PR efforts with content marketing, SEO, and social media allows for a consistent message across channels. Furthermore, PR helps amplify your digital marketing campaigns by gaining exposure and backlinks, which improves your SEO ranking.

7. Build long-term relationships with journalists

A strong media relationship doesn’t happen overnight. Journalists are always on the lookout for reliable sources for their stories. If you start building genuine relationships, over time you will increase the chances of gaining media coverage. Just remember that it’s important to be accessible, timely, and thoughtful in your interactions with the press – failing to do so will quickly get you blacklisted. 

Conclusion: Use PR to build credibility and fuel growth

How to scale tech startups with PR doesn’t have to be difficult. Nor is it just a tool for larger, established companies. Truth be told, it’s one of the most effective tools for relatively unknown startups, providing them multiple ways to ‘flex their media muscles’ and gain broader market awareness for their brand. 

Ultimately, startups that invest in PR will be better positioned to raise awareness, attract investors, and turn potential customers into loyal brand advocates. If you haven’t started leveraging PR for your startup, now is the time to make it a key part of your growth strategy.

About Sarah Gagliardi: Sarah is a Content Writer for Swyft, a tech PR firm in Austin and a top Denver PR firm  since its founding in 2011. Swyft recently opened a satellite office where it offers tech PR in San Francisco. Swyft was also listed as one of the top tech PR agencies in Texas by the B2B services review site,
[Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash]

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